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Welcome To Healthcare Systems Saudi

A national institution specializing in the medical field, wound care, and the provision of medical consumables.

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We cover all major cities with offices in Riyadh and Jeddah


Medical Equipment Consumables And Accessories:

Healthcare systems is one of the most reliable suppliers of General electric healthcare and Philips healthcare patient monitors, mother & fetal monitors, anesthesia, and incubators accessories, and consumables. Our list of items exceeds 800

Surgery And Woundcare:

Our main focus is plastic and trauma surgery in addition to diabetic foot care centers, we promote various products utilized to improve the patient condition and reduce days of the length of treatment and usually hospital stay.

Saudi Medical

We call on the following areas:

Our customers:

  1. Surgeons: Trauma, Plastic, Orthopedic, OB / Gynecologist.

  2. Dermatologist

  3. Nursing departments

  4. Biomedical engineering

  5. Operation rooms

  6. Wound care clinics

  7. Outpatient clinics

  8. Pharmacies

  1. Ministry of Health

  2. Military hospitals

  3. National Guard Health affairs

  4. University hospitals.

  5. Private hospitals

  6. Day surgery

  7. Private clinics

  8. Pharmacies

01 / Dynamic Tissue Systems ™
 Dynamic function
  • Products stretch when skin pulled taut on either side, but overall apply consistent, dynamic force inwards
  • Mechanical stretch aligns collagen fibres, ‘biological creep’ allows for additional tissue generation when applied over longer time periods
  • Contrast to static steri-strips, sutures,etc. that hold margins at set distances
abra surgical
Manuka honey contains plant-derived factors transferred from plant to honey via the nectar the bee’s collect. Scientists around the world are currently working to determine the chemical fractions responsible for the activity in this honey and identify the many potential clinical applications.

Today many medical professionals are using active Manuka honey and seeing responses from patients who have not responded to standard treatment.

ManukaMed’s unique healing properties.
  • Faster, better healing Decreased biofilm
  • Increased plasmin activity
  • Decreased pH level in wound bed
  • 100% safe, no cytotoxicity
ManukaMed offers consistent increased plasmin activity by inhibiting plasminogen activator inhibitor (LAI), which digests the fibrin clot, loosening slough, and necrotic tissue attached to the wound bed. Osmotic action draws lymph fluid into the wound, further assisting to loosen debris and necrotic tissue for easy removal.
Manuka Honey
03 / Wound Management

Wound management (Cytal and MicroMatrix), hernia repair (Gentrix) and Pelvic Organ Prolapse repair (Pelvic Floor Matrix). The clinical data related to the use of ACell's MatriStem UBM continues to grow with over 100 published papers.

MicroMatrix Acell
04 / Central Line Dressing


The patented SorbaView® SHIELD is a one-step catheter securement system that combines the features and benefits of a SorbaView® Dressing with SHIELD Technology.

Combined together, the SHIELD offers all the features and benefits that have made SorbaView the leader in catheter dressings, with the added strength and stabilization of Shield Technology. Marrying these defensive features together results in an unsurpassed level of catheter stabilization and securement.

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05 / Topical Skin Adhesives

LiquiBand® range of Topical Skin Adhesives to meet the needs of clinicians and patients providing safe, secure and effective wound closure and sealing.

LiquiBand® Topical Tissue Adhesives

The LiquiBand® range of topical skin adhesives are based on cyanoacrylate technology. We have a range of formulations and applicators that provide durable and flexible wound closure as well as high strength and fast setting time.

Our range of formulas and different applicators means that we are able to meet clinicians needs providing safe, secure and effective wound closure and sealing.

06 / Pressure Monitoring

Compass Intra-Abdominal Pressure Monitoring Kits by Centurion

Manufacturer: Centurion

  • An ideal way to monitor bladder pressure for early detection of intra-abdominal hypertension

  • Easy to connect to a standard Foley catheter

  • Sets up in seconds, simply and inexpensively

  • Complete with pressure-injectable extension set and a sterile tubing anchor


Ace Grip , devices are ideal for stabilizing catheter and
tubing fixation designed to enhance patient safety by preventing the movement of catheter and bending of extension set and pressure on wound site.
Superior and strong securement , Highly elastic and soft adhesive pad design improves patient’s comfort and strong adhesion not to be dislodged by any bending and flexion. 
Adhesive strength increases according to the heat conduction of patient’s temperature. It reduces dislodgement or movement by humidity and maintains the constant adherence to skin.
Various range of product
Variety of product makes it applicable to different size of tubing and catheter.

HS Saudi
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